Essential Game Math

1 minute read

Math is an essential tool for game development. In particular trigonometry and linear algebra are frequently used to build games.

In the interview with James Marr, he talks about the importance of math in game development and his early work to teach himself through books and practice. Today there is a wealth of information online to teach you the fundemental math that is frequently used in game development. Here are some links to get you started:


If you want to calculate where an object in your game is or how far away it is from another object, you’ll need basic trigonometry.

Trigonometry for Game Programming Part 1

Trigonometry for Game Development

The Incredibly Useful Sine Waves Part 1

Trigonometry for Games

Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is widely used in computer games for graphics and simulation.

Youtube: Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists


Vectors can be used to describe where something is in your game, how fast it is moving, or accelerating. Vectors are frequently combined to reposition items in your game.

Fundementals of Vector Math in Game Development

Vector Maths for Game Dev Beginners

Game Math: Vectors

Guide to Game Development/Theory/Mathematics/Vectors


Matrices allow you to apply transformations like translation, rotation, and scaling to vectors. This is essential to move and change objects in your game.

Game Math: Introduction to Matricies
